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Texas Motor Speedway staff watch the August 21, 2017, total solar eclipse through special eclipse glasses.

This Is the Gear You Need to View the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse

Protect your eyesight with eclipse glasses, binoculars, telescopes or lens filters

This statue of Christopher Columbus resides at Columbus Circle in front of Union Station in Washington, D.C. 

Breaking Down the United States' Historical Obsession With Christopher Columbus

Columbus became Columbus in the American Revolution—when the colonials sought out an origin story that didn’t involve the British

American women wouldn't be able to sport 'I Voted' stickers if not for Susan B. Anthony.

Why Women Bring Their 'I Voted' Stickers to Susan B. Anthony's Grave

This year, visitors will find a clear plastic covering protecting the fragile marble headstone

Experts hope the bridge will enable mountain lions to find potential mates and increase the local population's genetic diversity

California Will Build the Largest Wildlife Crossing in the World

The overpass will provide safe passage for mountain lions, coyotes, deer, lizards, snakes and other wild animals crossing the 101 Freeway

One in five kids don't drink any water.

Kids Who Don’t Drink Water Consume More Sweetened Beverages

A new study found that one in five children reported not drinking any water on a given day

Meet the Female Inventor Behind Mass-Market Paper Bags

A self-taught engineer, Margaret Knight bagged a valuable patent, at a time when few women held intellectual property

Queen Liliʻuokalani (above in Honolulu in 1917) “was one of the most successful composers . . . so much so that her repertoire remains at the forefront of those performed by Hawaiian musicians today,” says the Smithsonian's John Troutman

How the Music of Hawaiʻi’s Last Ruler Guided the Island’s People Through Crisis

A prolific composer, Queen Liliʻuokalani created some of the most popular Hawaiian tunes and compositions of all time

Heat waves pose a significant threat to coral reefs, kelp forests and seagrass beds

Ocean Heat Waves Are Threatening Marine Life, Biodiversity

Over the past three decades, Earth’s number of annual ocean heat wave days rose by more than 50 percent

Vincent van Gogh, "Tree Roots," 1890

Van Gogh Museum Suggests Artist’s Last Painting Has Long Been Misidentified

Experts argue that the abstract "Tree Roots" is a more likely candidate than the oft-cited "Wheatfield With Crows"

Bonneville Seabase is located 40 miles from Salt Lake City, Utah.

Why Utah Might Be Your Next Favorite Snorkeling Destination

Stocked with saltwater fish from around the world, Bonneville Seabase is an ocean in the middle of the state

Museum of the Dog Takes Manhattan

After 30 years in St. Louis, the American Kennel Club museum is back in the Big Apple, with artifacts, portraits and a kiosk that matches people to dogs

Southern California Will Soon See Another Booming Superbloom

If the rain keeps up, the deserts and burn scars will soon explode with acres of colorful poppies, lupines, lilies and other ephemeral flowers

The map currently features more than 130 entries divided into five categories

Interactive Map Renders Women's Cultural Contributions to French Capital Visible

The evolving project highlights landmarks in Paris that were “financed, imagined or made by women”

"Miss U Already"

Sweethearts Candies Won’t Be Available This Valentine’s Day

Production of the iconic treat ground to a halt after the company that makes them went out of business

“Everyone involved accomplished many, many firsts with that flight,” says Smithsonian curator Teasel Muir-Harmony. of NASA's near-perfect mission, (above: Apollo 8 command module).

How Apollo 8 ‘Saved 1968’

The unforgettable, 99.9 percent perfect, December moon mission marked the end of a tumultuous year

New National Monument in Kentucky Honors Black Civil War Troops

Over 10,000 African-American troops mustered at Camp Nelson, which also offered refuge for their enslaved wives and children

Anna Du is one of 30 Broadcom Masters finalists.

This 12-Year-Old Girl Built a Robot That Can Find Microplastics In the Ocean

Massachusetts seventh grader Anna Du has developed an ROV that moves through water and detects microplastics on the seafloor

The new report finds that one in nine people are undernourished globally.

World Hunger Is on the Rise for the Third Year in a Row

A new report warns that war and increased natural disasters from climate change are beginning to reverse gains made in recent decades

A guest trims the excess foam off a baseball cap.

How to Make Your Own Cheesehead in Milwaukee

You can make your own iconic Cheesehead hat for this year’s football season at the Foamation factory in Milwaukee

Domed skylights offer tantalizing glimpses into the Amos Rex museum's sprawling underground galleries.

Helsinki's New Subterranean Art Museum Opens Its Doors

The Amos Rex Museum is located beneath Lasipalatsi, a 1930s shopping center known as the ‘Glass Palace’

Photo of the day

- The Tree of Thoughts