Kids Can Experience a Night of Adventure at the Smithsonian This Summer
Dinos and Discoveries Await Families After Hours at the National Museum of Natural History
Do you know any young people who’d love to have a Smithsonian museum all to themselves for a summer night? You can make their dreams come true with Smithsonian Nighttime Adventures. On five Friday evenings from June through August 8-to-14-year-olds (and their adults) can join fellow adventurers at the National Museum of Natural History as the crowds shuffle out, the lights dim, and the doors close. From 7 to 11 p.m. they’ll wander through the Fossil Hall, where dinosaurs cast giant shadows; learn about Earth's past; discover the ocean's aquatic wonders; blast off to the moon; and walk softly past mysterious mammals. They also participate in games and challenges, immerse themselves in hand-on crafts, and even learn how to eat like a T-rex. Who could ask for a more adventurous night?
There’s even more fun waiting when Smithsonian Sleepovers return on Friday, July 14 and August 4. After a night of activities, adventurers grab their sleeping bags and head to Sant Ocean Hall where they can dream away below the 45-foot model of Phoenix the whale. And after Saturday breakfast, they’ll take home plenty of great memories about the night the Smithsonian belonged to them. Reserve your adventure.